Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas is the perfect way to end the year

My warm fuzzies about Christmas...

Here down under in the southern hemisphere, we don't get snow. Its gets hot and humid. Although admittedly, this summer is whacky because the weather is bipolar. 

Sunny blue skies and then cloudiness sets in as afternoon rolls around... Rain, Thunder and Lightning!

Enough about my observation of the weather, more about christmas. 

Never a disappointment, family, an abundance of food and Presents!! And of course, being catholic - Happy Birthday Jesus :) 

My family celebrate christmas starting on christmas eve - Not the traditional idea of Christmas day celebrations.. Because my family and I celebrate starting on christmas eve, chatting and eating right up until midnight, so we make the instant crossover to Christmas Day and open all the pressies - no sleep (or time for Santa to leave pressies) between christmas eve and clocking over to Christmas day. To me this is the best Christmas tradition EVER!

This year's festivities started with attending Christmas Mass at 10pm. Followed by driving around to find houses in the local area who got creative and motivated enough to put up christmas lights. As you can see below, I took some snaps of my favourite ones!

Tree wrapped with lights

Stuffed koalas in a tree

The Grinch + Minion stealing Lights

Blow up carousel and Santa

Spelling the official Christmas greeting in lights

Precious little lit up reindeer

These are not fireworks, but pom pom lights hanging in a tree

Then feasting begins, glorious eating of food whilst chatting and taking pictures with family. Then the countdown to midnight as if it is New Year's Eve, without the kissing. Then we bust out the presents (skipping sleep and straight to the excitement). I mean think about it... trying to sleep from the excitement of Christmas day - Why wait?! Lol.

And of course pictures of the spread of food can't be forgotten (a memorable snapshot to commemorate the effort of mothers' home made cooking) - my life very much revolves around the enjoyment of food...

My Family's Christmas Eve Night/Early Morning Feast

My Partner's Christmas Day Lunch Feast.

Merry Christmas and (very soon) Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading my Blog!

Keep it sweet <3 
Teacup Love

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