Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Christmas is the perfect way to end the year

My warm fuzzies about Christmas...

Here down under in the southern hemisphere, we don't get snow. Its gets hot and humid. Although admittedly, this summer is whacky because the weather is bipolar. 

Sunny blue skies and then cloudiness sets in as afternoon rolls around... Rain, Thunder and Lightning!

Enough about my observation of the weather, more about christmas. 

Never a disappointment, family, an abundance of food and Presents!! And of course, being catholic - Happy Birthday Jesus :) 

My family celebrate christmas starting on christmas eve - Not the traditional idea of Christmas day celebrations.. Because my family and I celebrate starting on christmas eve, chatting and eating right up until midnight, so we make the instant crossover to Christmas Day and open all the pressies - no sleep (or time for Santa to leave pressies) between christmas eve and clocking over to Christmas day. To me this is the best Christmas tradition EVER!

This year's festivities started with attending Christmas Mass at 10pm. Followed by driving around to find houses in the local area who got creative and motivated enough to put up christmas lights. As you can see below, I took some snaps of my favourite ones!

Tree wrapped with lights

Stuffed koalas in a tree

The Grinch + Minion stealing Lights

Blow up carousel and Santa

Spelling the official Christmas greeting in lights

Precious little lit up reindeer

These are not fireworks, but pom pom lights hanging in a tree

Then feasting begins, glorious eating of food whilst chatting and taking pictures with family. Then the countdown to midnight as if it is New Year's Eve, without the kissing. Then we bust out the presents (skipping sleep and straight to the excitement). I mean think about it... trying to sleep from the excitement of Christmas day - Why wait?! Lol.

And of course pictures of the spread of food can't be forgotten (a memorable snapshot to commemorate the effort of mothers' home made cooking) - my life very much revolves around the enjoyment of food...

My Family's Christmas Eve Night/Early Morning Feast

My Partner's Christmas Day Lunch Feast.

Merry Christmas and (very soon) Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading my Blog!

Keep it sweet <3 
Teacup Love

All photos and written content are under copyright 2014 © by the account holder of this blog. Seek permission via ilikeilove.teacup@gmail.com to use blog photos and content for commercial purposes. If using for non-commercial purposes, feel free to use but with acknowledgement or a link to this blog. 

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Magnifique Eclair eatery in Sydney (Bondi) 12 Pics

Eclairs like I have never seen before! It's food ART! Magnifique :)

If you are a sweet tooth and want to read about how I came about this dessert discovery then read on..
Was driving along Bondi Rd in Sydney heading towards the Sculptures By The Sea annual event (which takes place from 23 October - 9 November 2014, another blog + video to come soon about this event)

Naturally, I love food and waiting in the insanely bad traffic (because of Sculptures by the Sea) I noticed a sign for an eclair shop. I am a hug eclair fan, it the combination of pastry and chocolate and cream that is so decadently irresistible and very naughty for a ladies waistline. However, you only live once and I am a sweet tooth and hence did not resist.

I insisted and begged my partner to take the detour with me to check out this place. My friend was there also, and our eyes popped open, jaws dropped and we started a salivating over these gorgeous, or should I say magnifique array of eclairs. In various colours and flavours. This changed my whole perception of the traditional, cream, chocolate and pastry eclair.

I felt like I fell into some sort of eclair room in the Willy Wonka factory!

With no regret, I spent the most I have ever spent on eclairs in my life! Bought four eclairs to share with my family, this set me back about $30 from memory, as the eclairs ranged from $6.50 to $8.50 for the normal sized eclairs. As there were mini-me sized eclairs available, I think they were about $3.95 or so.

And now the best parts, admiring these delectable eclairs... and yes (to me), they taste as good as they look...

 If you want to know what it looks like from the outside... And of course want to know the darn name of the place of course ... La Maison De L'Eclair

A few more inside pics, there is seating.. but a limited amount, not for huge groups of people. Notice on the bottom right, the giant jar of Nutella, HUGE (knowing how I eat Nutella, if it didn't expire so quickly... that size would be like a 4 year supply for me.. lol)

Keep it sweet <3 
Teacup Love

All photos and written content are under copyright 2014 © by the account holder of this blog. Seek permission via ilikeilove.teacup@gmail.com to use blog photos and content 
for commercial purposes. If using for non-commercial purposes, feel free to use but with acknowledgement or a link to this blog. 

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Sunshine and summer is coming... Yay!

The sun is out and the Jacaranda trees are in full bloom in Sydney.

I was working at Paddington last week and decided to take a stroll under the sunshine. A stunning reminder of the summertime to come. What a beautiful day it was a week ago. 

Funnily enough, today was the opposite?! Thunderstorms and heavy fat rain, flooding the streets leaving giant puddles everywhere ... Anyhoo.

Took some pictures to capture the feel of the sunshine I caught last week. Jacaranda trees only come out around this time of the year, as you can see they have bloomed and already the flowers are falling to the ground. I think they must have similar life spans to Cherry Blossom trees... they might be cousins (I am making this up of course and have not thoroughly researched this, simply making an observation).

While in Paddington I finally got to see some Yarn Bombing in action, normally I just see these in pictures, but last week I got to see some real Yarn Bombing. Even better in real life. Something very cool about knitting beautiful wool/threads around a tree, wish I got to the see the people who did it.

I always wonder though if the tree is still okay with the knitted fabric covering it? I visited again a day ago and the trees seem as Happy and alive as ever, so it is probably fine for the trees. Will check up on it again in a years time probably :)

Thanks for reading my Blog!

Keep it sweet <3 
Teacup Love

All photos and written content are under copyright 2014 © by the account holder of this blog. Seek permission via ilikeilove.teacup@gmail.com to use blog photos and content for commercial purposes. If using for non-commercial purposes, feel free to use but with acknowledgement or a link to this blog.